Pastor’s Pantry provides groceries once per month at no cost to individuals (age 60+), experiencing long-term financial insecurity. It takes less than an hour to complete the registration process, in our office. After registering, individuals will be able to receive groceries each month, including the day they register. Senior clients will typically receive 7-8 plastic grocery bags of food per month, which is estimated to last up to 10 days.
Our average client is 71 years of age.
Pastor’s Pantry will provide emergency food to individuals, regardless of age, one time per month. We request individuals visit Davidson County Department of Social Services for a referral form. Bring the referral form from DSS to Pastor’s Pantry to pick-up food 11:00am-3:30pm, Monday-Thursday.
We do not provide financial assistance of any type, and we do not provide cooked meals.
We only provide groceries and resource information.
Potential Clients: Please download and read this document so that you will be prepared for your interview to obtain assistance.
Call Greg Briggs, Pantry Coordinator, at 336-249-8824 (extension 303) to schedule an appointment to complete the application process.